Personal Car Loan
A Melbourne Finance Personal Loan gives you more financial freedom. You use our loan money to finance the vehicle of your choice and so keep your own funds free for other purposes. A Melbourne Finance Personal Loan is very personal. We offer it on any new or used vehicle when the vehicle will be used wholly or predominantly for personal or private purposes.
A Melbourne Finance Personal Loan is an ideal way to enjoy a new vehicle. By selecting the contract term (from 24 to 60 months) you can tailor your monthly repayment to suit your budget.
You can elect to have a balloon (final instalment) on the contract, or you can choose a contract without a balloon and therefore enjoy full ownership of your vehicle at contract end.
The motor vehicle is the only security needed, although in some circumstances a guarantee may also be required. During the period of the contract we make budgeting easier, as all payments are fixed.
A Melbourne Finance Personal Loan is suitable when you use your vehicle wholly or predominantly for private purposes. This means that the vehicle is used privately for more than 50% of the time. Where you can demonstrate some business use, you may be able to claim a tax deduction for that portion. For your added convenience, we can organise computer direct debiting of your monthly repayment from your nominated account.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is included in the purchase price of the vehicle but does not apply to an Personal Loan, and therefore input tax credits also do not apply to the finance contract.
Simply select the vehicle that best suits your needs, and then talk with a Melbourne Finance consultant. They can assist you to work out the appropriate loan period and monthly payment that best fits your lifestyle.